New Jersey Association of Museums

About NJAM


The New Jersey Association of Museums (NJAM) is a non-profit membership organization that has been serving museum professionals and arts, history, and science institutions in the state of New Jersey since 1973. NJAM strives to benefit members by: facilitating the exchange of information through educational and networking opportunities, increasing and enhancing knowledge of best practices in museums, and advocating on behalf of New Jersey museums.


Connecting New Jersey’s Museum Community


NJAM stands in solidarity with the African American community. We acknowledge the pain caused by systemic racism. We are listening. We call for justice.

But expressions of sympathy and solidarity are not enough. How we acknowledge and address our history, our institutions, and our spaces is critical to how we move forward.  We still have much work to do in acknowledging our complicity in the systemic racism that is present in our organizations, including NJAM itself. We are committed to taking action and continuing to make changes that will bring racial equity to NJAM, our leadership, our membership, and our programs. 

We thank those who are continuing to challenge and dismantle systemic oppression. We need to amplify and strengthen the work of our museums to combat institutional racism, injustice, and violence against people of color.


Going forward, NJAM will be hosting programs and sharing resources to support a dialogue among New Jersey museums that we hope will inspire action. We also will apply these changes to NJAM as an organization.


Louise K. Barrett, Princeton University Art Museum - President

Kellie Haines, Wheaton Arts and Cultural Center - Vice President

Audrey E. Carmeli, The Newark Museum of Art Treasurer

Lynne Calamia, Roebling Museum - Secretary

Nicholas P. Ciotola, New Jersey State Museum - Nominating Chair


Elizabeth Frasco, Independent scholar

Sam Hwang, Grounds for Sculpture

Ryan Hyman, Macculloch Hall Historical Museum

Greer Luce, Morven Museum and Garden

Kiki Michael, Zimmerli Art Museum

Claudia B. Ocello, Museum Partners Consulting

Cindy Srnka, Historical Society of Princeton/Museum Educator

Sierra Van Ryck deGroot, Museum Hue

Joe Zemla, Monmouth County Historical Association

New Jersey Association of Museums, 555 Grand Ave., PO Box 77316, Ewing, NJ 08628

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