New Jersey Association of Museums
Disaster Response Series Part I: Disaster Response and Recovery Webinar
When: Tuesday, April 16 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Where: Virtual Zoom Meeting
Description: NJAM welcomes collections professionals, volunteers, and interested colleagues to join us for a webinar on Disaster Response and Recovery led by the Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts (CCAHA). Participants will learn about emergency planning and how preparation for a disaster is critical to the mission of collections based institutions.
This webinar is free and open to all. Register to receive Zoom link from NJAM. There will be an in-person part II program on Thursday, May 2. Participation in this webinar is mandatory in order to attend Part II Workshop. Registration for both programs opens for Members on February 12, and March 1 for non-members.
NJAM is able to offer this webinar free of charge thanks to a project grant from the New Jersey Historical Commission.
New Jersey Association of Museums, 555 Grand Ave., PO Box 77316, Ewing, NJ 08628
Contact NJAM